In addition to Race Timing, Racine MultiSports specializes in full Event Production. There is a wide range of services that we offer. We customize our services based on our client's needs and budget. We have experience helping clients launch new events and helping clients produce full weekend festival events. We have a large team and enough equipment to handle up to 6 events in a single day. Below is a list of services and equipment that we offer. Use the contact form below to request a free consultation to review how we can help you with your event!
Services we offer:
- Race Timing
- Race Directing
- Course Design and Mapping
- Course Management
- Permiting
- Venue Planning and Layout
- Online Registration
- Race Day Registration
- Volunteer Management
- Swag Design and Procurement
- Marketing and Website Development
- Announcing
- and more
Equipment we offer:
- Finish Line Arches
- Crowd Barricade and Fencing
- 10 x 10 Canopies
- Timing Equipment
- Race Clocks
- Sound Systems
- Cones
- Signage
- Bike Rack
- Results Kiosks
- and more
Need a Consultation? Contact us!
Please include phone number, race date, race location, and race deatils. Thank you!
Williamsport, MD